Shop with us! Toss On Totally Tucson Desert Wear for Adventures in the Sonoran Desert
Shop with us! Toss On Totally Tucson Desert Wear for Adventures in the Sonoran Desert
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ABOUT TOTALLY TUCSON - Partial proceeds go to Arizona wildlife and waterways organizations.

Welcome to our custom design online apparel store that celebrates Tucson! Every day I insatiably venture into this gorgeous high desert paradise. I'm in a constant state of discovery for this city I love. My partner* and I created this new online shopping site based on what we love about Tucson, and clothing that we would feel most comfortable in, and have the most fun. Browse through these desertwear T-shirts and other items to keep your love for Tucson alive at all times. 

In our past 14 years here as transplants from Chicago we've entrenched ourselves into Tucson's culture, its outdoor life, its world renown Mexican cuisine, its place in the world as a space and astronomy center, tech center, and wellness mecca.  Coming as a complete surprise to us, as big city dwellers, we've become fascinated with and empathic for the wildlife culture in and around Tucson and the Sonoran Desert arena in Southern Arizona. Furthering this interest of ours we've become supportive of wildlife preservation efforts in this general region. For example, the jaguar and the desert tortoise are two favorite interests of ours, along with waterways preservation activities. Our participation and donation list includes:

Arizona Game & Fish , Desert Museum, Sustainable Tucson

Please feel free to join and donate to these organizations and many more in and around Tucson who are concerned with protecting and building up our developing and growing region.


I'm Carol Blomstrand, AKA "Totally Tucson", a lifestyle blogger on Twitter and Instagram. I've got a big crush on Tucson and I share my city daily with everyone on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages. Join me! Totally Tucson on Twitter  Totally Tucson on Instagram

*My partner in life and work is James Lienhart, a world renown brand and package designer who owned and creatively led his own design company, Lienhart Design, for 40 years in Chicago, winning 300 international awards. He continues today in Tucson taking on special design projects that peak his creative juices. He also enjoys working with students as a design instructor at Pima Community College in Tucson.

About Tucson: Today Tucson has transformed from a small town into a vibrant modern city (about 1M population) that's gained international recognition for advances and awards in gastronomy, technology, astronomy, space, business and urban growth. The fact that it has retained the deep roots of its original culture in agriculture, heritage, and traditions over the past 4,000 years makes Tucson's heritage that much more meaningful today. And that's why Tucson was chosen to be the first City of Gastronomy by Unesco - a high honor on the world stage. Three not-to-be-missed celebrations each year on the heritage and heart of Tucson are: Tucson 23 Mexican Food Festival in June, the Agave Heritage Festival in April/May, and the All-Souls Procession in November. Many more festivals round out the inclusion of hundreds of other interests throughout the year in Tucson.

Here at Totally Tucson we honor Tucson's new modernism with a contemporary logo. Our designer Jim Lienhart created this for us in original art and applied it to our branding elements and products. It's a saguaro cactus, universally thought of as the symbol of Tucson. He also designed all the #Tucson-themed fashion and product designs you see on this site. Here's his story of how he created our logo: Designer's comments.








  Carol Blomstrand,

 AKA Totally Tucson.