Help keep the Mexican Gray Wolf off the Endangered Species List. Certain animals are known as what’s referred to as a “keystone species”, which is any species that other plants and animals within an ecosystem largely depend on. If a keystone species is removed, the ecosystem would drastically change, and in some cases, collapse. Endangered species often regain a foothold in the wilderness with help from eco-engineers and non-profit organizations. Please join me in protecting the nine (9) animals in Arizona on the watch list of endangered species.
Totally Tucson is contributing all profit proceeds to Wildlife Collection of the Coalition for the Sonoran Desert Protection: https://www.sonorandesert.org/ Our main focus this month - uly 2024 - is on the Mexican Gray Wolf.
For more information on the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program, visit the Mexican wolf website (www.fws.gov/mexican-wolf) or visit the Arizona Game and Fish Department website on wolves - www.azgfd.gov/wolf . And see historical map of Mexican grey wolves range: http://www.mexicanwolves.org/index.php/wolf-country
Endangered species in Arizona include12:
- Yaqui Chub, a fish located in Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge and West Turkey Creek.
- Mexican Gray Wolf
- Desert tortoise
- Ocelot
- New Mexican Rigged-Nose Rattlesnake
- Black-Footed Ferret
- Jaguar, whose populations have declined due to poaching and a loss of habitat.
- Relict Leopard Frog, found in freshwater and only ever seen in Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.
- Mojave Desert Tortoise.